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Hey y’all, welcome to No Invite Necessary Podcast, and I’m your host, Nolita, aka The Monalita. This is where I share the real stories of the grinders, the hustlers, the doers, and the dreamers who have faced some of life’s toughest challenges. And they’ve come out on top, not only better, but stronger and wiser and way more fulfilled.
I’m talking about practical resilience, growth, and transformation. This show is for anyone who’s ever felt sidelined or underestimated.
And just like that, we are back with episode two of no invite necessary. Yes, let’s get into it. So I gave you a little teaser at the end of episode one, where I gave you guys some background on how I had some setbacks living in Houston, breakups, you know, just toxic mindset, rediscovering guy. But in that process, I also teased that I was handing out what?
So hopefully if you are watching this episode, this is episode three, but hopefully you have watched episode one and two, and now you are on episode three, which is when business and pleasure collide, protecting your heart and your wallet, the cointage. The money, Zichata. Okay. Zichata. So, business and pleasure, pleasure and business, the pleasure of doing business.
It’s very easy to feel like we are not measuring up. Studies have definitely shown that there is a direct correlation between our use of social media and mental health and how that connects to anxiety and depression. Now for me, like I said, as someone who works in social media and influencer marketing, people do expect for me to be online 24 7, but then I have to think about it.
It definitely runs super, super long. None other. I want to introduce you to none other than my sister, my friend, Kerese Millen, I’m going to insert some round of applause, some cheesy round of applause. All right, so we have you here. I’m here, I’m in the building. Yes, so we’re gonna be transparent. This is round two.
Well, integrity is about sticking to your moral and ethical principles, even when it’s not the easy or convenient thing to do. It’s about being honest with yourself and others, staying true to your word and doing the right thing, even when nobody’s watching.
I think if you’re not careful, um, and you’re not necessarily being specific with your village, you’ll settle for anything because that imposter syndrome saying, oh man, I finally got friends. Once you kind of challenge that, you’re like, how do my friends Bring value to my life. Everyone in every way has value and worth, but how do they bring or do they just strain it?